Welcome To Gospel Fellowship

Pastor David Janke Jr

David Janke Jr


Hello, and welcome to Gospel Fellowship. I certainly hope that our church can be a help to you. Jesus said that He did not come to the healthy but to those who are sick. That's all of us! As broken people, we all desperately need the grace of God in our lives. We want to help you thrive. Not that we hope you would be successful by some arbitrary standard of success, but that you would look more and more like Jesus. This starts with having a new heart and mind.

Our longing is that you would know and experience the saving grace of Jesus in your life as we have in ours. All we can take with us after death are those who trust Christ as Saviour and Lord. Let’s live to make our God great by bringing many sons and daughters to glory!

Gospel Fellowship exists to help husbands love their wives like Christ loved the church; to help parents raise their children in the training and instruction of the Lord; to help children know and love the Word of God; to help lonely people find Christ to be all that they need; to help those who are suffering to rest in the truth that Christ suffered for them, the just for the unjust; to help our brothers and sisters to keep their hands steady at the plow and always looking for the return of Jesus, even through life’s deepest trials and saddest heartaches.

We want to help our church accomplish these tasks through clear, careful Bible teaching. The Word of God is alive and powerful! We will also achieve these goals by prayer and fellowship, living lives that are indicative of a sincere devotion to Jesus, and motivating each other to keep the faith that “was once for all delivered to the saints.”

We warmly welcome and cordially invite you to come and be a part of our fellowship in the Gospel.

Visit us Sunday @ 10:00AM

Thanks for your interest in Gospel Fellowship. We hope that you’ve found what you’re looking for & would love to meet you face-to-face. See you on Sunday.